Saturday, August 11, 2007

A Great Piece of News for all Dover and Chesterton fans

Dover has reprinted GKC's Tremendous Trifles!!!

This is a great collection of essays which originally appeared in the London Daily News; they are not yet in the CW. Among them are such delights as "A Piece of Chalk" and "What I Found In My Pocket" and (for those studying fantasy) "The Dragon's Grandmother" - but each of the 39 essays is wonderful and has its own power and insights...

Thanks for the info, Dr. Thursday.

UPDATE: The American Chesterton Society has just received a shipment of these books, and will put them on their site shortly for your odering purposes. Thanks for supporting the ACS by buying the books from us. ;-)


  1. When will it be for sale from the ACS bookstore?

  2. We're working on it now and will keep you posted.

  3. Cross-posted on The Blue Boar, Nancy. :-)

  4. Even colored chalk and plain brown paper cease to be ordinary in Chesterton's hands.


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