Monday, May 22, 2006

A Real Surprise

Well it's a darn good thing I have a good strong heart.
I was absolutely stunned today when the mail came.
Yes, folks, that's right. Stunned. And pleased.
The April/May issue of Gilbert actually came, hold the phone, IN MAY. And it's really not even close to being the end of the month.
Rumors were rampant that the Gilbert people were attempting to "catch up" and trying to get back on schedule, but you know how things like that get around, and maybe they're true and maybe they're from people who just wish it were so.
But this, obviously, is the real deal.
They're catching up.
And it's a good thing I finished reading my last Gilbert last weekend.
Never have the issues come so close before where there was true danger of receiving a new issue before finishing the old one!

Oh. Here's clue for those of you following this story.

Go to the latest issue (April/May) to the last of the Tremendous Trifles. There is your clue.


  1. Mrs. B-

    I got my two, too!

    Which reminds me- it's time to renew my membership...

  2. "Go to the latest issue (April/May) to the last of the Tremendous Trifles. There is your clue."

    An easter egg is going to be singing Ballad of the White Horse?



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