Monday, May 12, 2008


Our family travels a lot. Which is why sometimes my posts are a bit haphazard. But this weekend, we got to travel to St. Louis, where a Chestertonian friend and his family live, which is a nice benefit of travel.

Some of you know Kevin O'Brien from the conferences. He was Hillaire Belloc one year, doing a dramatic reading of Belloc's "Don" poem, which had me in stitches.

And two years ago, Kevin was the poet in "The Surprise" which he reprised for EWTN.

A few years ago, Kevin, already a professional actor with his own troup called Upstage Productions, started another group, Theater of the Word, for actors trying to live their faith through the theater.

I'm excited to let you in on a secret: EWTN is producing a 13 week series of shows by Theater of the Word, and they are filming right now.

Please pray for these actors as they work to share their faith through the medium of television.

Theater of the Word won't air for about a year, but we have something wonderful to look forward to, including the Bellocian recital I mentioned above, which I look forward to.

1 comment:

  1. That's great news and definitely something to look forward to. It also reminded me of this month's prayer intention by the Pope, which I happened to hear earlier today while watching EWTN:

    Human Dignity. That Christians may use literature, art, and mass media to create a culture which defends and promotes the values of the human person.


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