Saturday, June 16, 2007

Report from Dr. Thursday

I just checked my e-mail and saw I had this report from Dr. Thursday for the part of the conference I missed:
There are lots of great used books for sale. Very interesting stuff here.

On Thursday night:

1. Dale gave the opening talk on Thursday and GKC - how vital his work is today, even more than when he first wrote.

2. Then GKC himself spoke - (Chuck Chalberg in disguise, who does GKC on the EWTN show) - using The New Jerusalem he told of Islam, of his trip to the Holy Land, and a number of timely comments about this important topic.

Then we sang Happy Birthday to Dale and had cake.

This morning:

1. a talk by this lunatic computer scientist - there were all kinds of technical difficulties - "Science, you see, is NOT infallible!" he told us, quoting GKC. But most of his talk seemed to be about dragons and long words and The Phantom Tollbooth.

2. Due to circumstances, I missed some of this talk, about GKC and jogging past lamp-posts, and how the light from the street lamp gives a clue to GKC's view of reality.

Time is flying, and I must go. Thanks for your prayers...

--Dr. Thursday

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