Wednesday, December 06, 2006

The Chestertons

In preparation for a speech, I am reading The Chestertons by Mrs. Cecil Chesterton, aka Ada Elizabeth Chesterton. (And my first question is was Cecil pronounced "See-sill" or "Cess-il"?

If you've read this book, let me know what you thought of it. Ada was a member of the family, a sister-in-law to Gilbert and Frances, married, however briefly to Cecil. It would seem she had a good look into the Chesterton home, and knew what was going on there. It is amazing that she, too, is a writer, along with Gilbert, Frances, and Cecil.

She calls Gilbert, in her Foreword, "the prince of good-fellowship" which I like.

Anyway, if you've read the book, let me know your thoughts on it.


  1. Maisie Ward savages this book in her biography of GKC, I believe. If you rely on it, you must read Maisie Ward.
    James G. Bruen, Jr.

  2. Well, I've read Maisie first, and was told for balance, I should read this, so I am going backwards.

  3. I dont' think the book is balanced considering they she charges the Chesterton's of having not only an unhappy marriage, but a celibate one.

  4. Nancy, what's the who, what, where, when, how, and why of your speech?

  5. Also, In the new issue, which should be in your mailbox any day, Sara Bowen mentions Ada's book in her column on page 25. She is not much kinder to it than Mrs. Ward was.

  6. Now that I'm half way through it, it feels more like a book of gossipy tabloid stuff than anything much else.

    The speech: On Frances, why? Because she's important, more: come hear it for ChesterCon07.

  7. I shall be there with bells on. :-)

  8. it'S Cess - ill


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