Thursday, July 13, 2006

Local Chesterton Societies Need This Study Guide

If you are involved in your local Chesterton society, wouldn't you think it would be fun to read the very first Father Brown mystery, The Blue Cross, and go into it in depth, including a big discussion on the use of Reason (like Father Brown and Flambeau)?


Are you a teacher at the 8th grade or High School level, looking for a way to introduce the student's to Chesterton's work?


Are you a CCD or Religious Ed. teacher, looking for a good way to introduce your student's to the first Father Brown mystery, and therefore help them enter the world of Chesterton's work?

Well! All your dreams will come true, if you just buy this study guide. Not only does it contain the Entire Text of The Blue Cross in it (so you and your student's don't have to purchase another book) which saves time and money, but it contains a helpful study section with questions (and an answer key) to get you started on your Chestertonian discussions.

Such a deal!

So don't hesitate! Buy 10 or 20 for Your Class Today!

1 comment:

  1. I have it; I read it; it's great!

    Note! You do NOT have to be a child (in physical age) to enjoy this. It is a useful introduction to Father Brown, and the larger intellectual world of GKC. It has some useful annotation for some of the puzzling bits. Like that there really was a Eucharistic Congress in London... oh yeah.


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