Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Membership in the American Chesterton Society

A membership to the American Chesterton Society is well worth it, and a great last minute gift idea, as well.

Here's what you get:

1. The good feeling of knowing that you are supporting the spread of Chesterton everywhere, into classrooms that have never heard of him, into textbooks that have never mentioned him, and into hearts, where he can teach what's right and true.

This is the most important mission of the ACS, because reading Chesterton helps us to think.

2. Your membership includes a subscription to Gilbert Magazine which helps you read Chesterton bit by bit (some people prefer large chunks of Chesterton, and others need little bits at a time, some people love to do both!) plus great essays and columns about Chesterton, which helps you bridge the gap between Chesterton and everyday life.

3. When you join the ACS, our membership gets you a discount of 20% on all ACS Books. Now you can get that complete set of Illustrated London News columns you've always wanted and can't get anywhere else.

4. You'll have the pleasure of knowing that you are helping to spread the word about Chesterton. It is a deeply satisfying feeling.

5. You'll be invited to attend the annual American Chesterton Society Conference, this year the theme is Chesterton and Dickens, because 100 years ago, Chesterton had published his critical work on Dickens, reviving the love of Dickens for the English audiences. You will not want to miss this event.

6. If you are already a member, THANK YOU. And now, you members can take advantage of a great offer of a gift membership for only $25! This is a great last minute gift idea, and I encourage you to do it today.

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