Thursday, October 07, 2010

Coming to a Conclusion

The human brain is a machine for coming to conclusions; if it cannot come to conclusions it is rusty.
[GKC Heretics CW1:196]
Yes - we have come to a conclusion. This the last column I am writing for Nancy, since this blogg is being closed. There must be some mystical significance to this, since today is the feast of the Holy Rosary: the anniversary of Lepanto and the victory over our dark enemy; but then this blogg began on a Marian feast nearly five years ago, and it seems fitting that my role end on one.

God willing, I shall continue to write on my own blogg, "GKC's Favourite". I also contribute to The Duhem Society, which studies the work of Pierre Duhem and S. L. Jaki, great historians of science.

Apologia: Lest there be any doubt, I am not so much interested in Chesterton except for the way in which he proclaims the truth of Jesus Christ, and the cosmos made through Him. I hereby submit all my work to the authority of the Roman Catholic Church; if any of my writing is at odds with her teachings, I humbly ask for her correction.

And so... well... what really has to be said in such a conclusion? Only this: Let us take GKC's warnings about pride seriously, and let us keep things in their proper order: let us strive to be Christians who also read Chesterton, not Chestertonians who also read the gospels. Let us heed the warning given in GKC's own discussion of St. Francis, who did not want people to follow him, but to follow Christ. And good things may come from bloggs, as we Chestertonians happen to know, far better than others... (hee hee!)

A Chestertonian blogger once asked me: "You don't expect me to revolutionize society on my blogg?"
And I looked straight into his eyes and smiled sweetly. "No, I don't, but I suppose that if you were serious about your Chesterton that is exactly what you would do."
[cf. GKC TMWWT CW6:481]
Let us be serious about our Chesterton, and thereby turn society back - to our Lord.

May God bless you always, and your families!

Let us conclude with Chesterton's own last words:

"The issue is now quite clear. It is between light and darkness and every one must choose his side."


  1. Goodness! I'll definitely miss your posts! I'll have to check out GKC's Favorite.

  2. Dear Peter, you have done a wonderful job on this blog, and you are clearly a man who is following not only Gilbert but the Everlasting Man to whom Gilbert directs our attention.

    Thank you for all your hard work and good writing.

    And, Nancy, thank you. You were the main writer here for most of the five years, and your lilting sweetness and love for Chesterton will be missed ... but we can still find that on the Chesterton Facebook page, which you now run!


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