This day, a day when we failed to be vigilant, recalls John Philpot Curran's famous epigram on vigilance:
The price of liberty is eternal vigilance.and GKC's comment upon it:
...which is only what the theologians say of every other virtue, and is itself only a way of stating the truth of original sin...The term "vigilance" reminds me of WATCHER, the monitoring tool which watched all our other machines and programs. It reminds me of how nearly every one of the 48 television monitors, each showing a different cable TV channel, were all showing the same thing. I also think of how I quoted Chesterton as we watched the big screens in our Control Room - the screens which showed not WATCHER, but something more terrifying, but NOT surprising - and how, soon after, I changed WATCHER to display the American flag:
[GKC The Thing CW3:312]

And if you'd like more detail, click here for an account of how it happened. It's phrased in a fictional style, but it's a good approximation. And yes, I really did quote GKC...
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