Monday, August 24, 2009

Podcast Fund Raiser

Hi Everyone,
I hate to do this, but I need $149.

The American Chesterton Society is going to start podcasting soon, and I've got a great lineup of shows with talk, laughter, interviews with interesting people, clips of Chesterton's own voice, Chesterton, Chesterton, and more Chesterton.

You know this blog is free to run. No monthly fees, nothing. My time, yes, but no fees for storage or etc. Now it may load slowly for some of you, a complaint I've heard, but it's free, so we put up with it. So far. I have plans for someday getting something better, but for now, we're here.

Anyway, with podcasting, it's different. You have to have storage space on line so people can access the podcast anytime. And they take up space because they are audio files, which are bigger than just words. Even though they are just words. And some music, too.

The plan I need is at, and is $144/year, $12/month. The extra $5 is a one time fee to have a domain name so I can put up a link here, for example, or on FaceBook or Twitter, and people can go right there and download the new show.

If you think this is a worthwhile cause, and the American Chesterton Society is worthy of your hard-earned $$, please consider going here and making a donation and please, PLEASE specify "PODCAST" for your donation.

I haven't done a "Shea" to you before (he does quarterly fundraisers), but for this, I need to. Young people and commuters and people who exercise or whoever listens to podcasts may find ours (Uncommon Sense) and good things will follow. You know what I mean.

This donation is tax deductible.

Thank you!

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