Monday, July 27, 2009

Conference T-Shirts

Check this out! Thanks for our intrepid Ohio Chestertonian Bob Cook, these lovely t-shirts will be available for sale at the conference. Every penny will benefit the American Chesterton Society (because Bob donated them, THANKS BOB!)


  1. And I want to thank Gilbert's Art Director, Ted Schluenderfritz, for all his help in providing the art work to the shop which made up the t-shirts. Thanks Ted!

  2. I hope these will show up in the ACS online store, for those of us who don't get to go, or I will be most dissappointed... :(

  3. I agree with anonymous... I hope those of us who can't make the trip to Seattle will be able to get shirts. I would even be willing to pay someone to pick up a shirt for me and mail it!

  4. Although it's been said, my first thoughts were those of Anonymous. I really hope I can buy one of those shirts even though I can't attend the conference.


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