Friday, March 20, 2009

New Gilbert races out to mailboxes

It feels like I just got an issue, and now I'm hearing that some people have a *new* issue of Gilbert!

Did you get yours yet?

I like the cover [click it to see it larger]...can't wait to see the inside.


  1. I got mine yesterday. Another great cover by Mr. Schluenderfritz. For anyone interested, I believe the artwork is already available for purchase at I bought a copy of last month's cover art and am very pleased with the quality.

  2. Yep, got mine two days ago. I'm already 1/3 of the way through it! Very good reading as usual...

  3. Bob, you are right, I was on ImageKind just last night, and saw the new cover there, which I think would make really cute cards.

    Mark: I'm so jealous! I hope mine comes today.

  4. I haven't even received the previous one. Mine always come extremely late. Anyone know why that could be?

  5. David: You should have received your last issue by now. There is no reason it could be THIS late.

    Over on the left, I have an "email Gilbert" button you should click on and email them and ask them what's going on with your subscription. If that doesn't bring results, email me.

  6. Hang on , that email isn't working.

  7. OK, I got a new email address and it's good. Click on the link to the left that starts out "email Gilbert" and you can inquire as to where your issues are. And again, if you have any problems, contact me.

  8. Thank you Nancy, I'll let you know how it works out.

  9. My daughter is SO going to steal the cover off of mine, if it ever gets here. Thanks for sharing the address to buy the illustrations!

  10. I got mine today...and I'm busy reading it. The perfect thing to have while I'm lying low fighting off a cold.

  11. I just noticed that Dale's speaking engagements were included in this issue. I think that's great. If he ever gets within 3-4 hours of me, I'd drive to hear him. I also sent an e-mail to ACS suggesting they add that info to the "Invite Dale" page of the web site.

  12. Is this the same as the "food" issue? If not, then I haven't yet received the previous issue. I'm in Canada, and sometimes the issue is late, but not usually this late.

  13. Anon in Canada: The publisher is a little behind on sending out renewal cards, but check your mail label on your last issue. If it says "Last Issue" it is time to renew your subscription. If you have a question about your subscription, please use the "contact Gilbert magazine" link over on the left side bar to inquire about your status. My best guess is your subscription needs renewing.

  14. Thank you for such a quick response. I had renewed back in Sept. and it should be good until Sept 2011. I sent a message via the "contact Gilbert" link with my order number and details.


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