Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Ahlquist and GKC go to IHOP

From Dale:
I just returned from EWTN where Chuck Chalberg taped his segments as G.K. Chesterton for the 5th season of “The Apostle of Common Sense”, which will be aired next fall. I was down there in August, taping my segments along with the dramatic vignettes (featuring, among others, the infamous Stanford Nutting, played by Kevin O’Brien). We also taped an entire Fr. Brown story, “The Honour of Israel Gow” which will be included in Kevin’s upcoming “Theatre of the Word” series for EWTN. “Israel Gow” will have its premiere at the Chesterton conference in Seattle in August. It’s going to be really good! I saw a first edit while I was at EWTN this week, and I was very impressed with the high quality of the production.

Chuck and I arrived late in the day and started taping right away in the evening. At the end of the shoot, we needed to be fed, and the only place open was the local International House of Pancakes. There was no time for Chuck to change out of costume, so GK Chesterton went with me to the IHOP. The amazing thing is, no one noticed. In fact, he wasn’t even the most interesting looking person there!
Thanks for the update, Dale, sounds like a fun time.

Now we all have an extra reason to get ourselves to Seattle in August: to see the debut of The Honour of Israel Gow.


  1. Oh, I'm already planning on making it to Seattle for my very first GKC Conference! Got the vacation time saved, got that week blocked out, and I have frequent flyer miles to use. All I need is to find out exactly where the conference will be, and to either book a hotel room at the ACS-recommended place or at one of two other hotels suggested by a couple colleagues of mine.

    P.S. Dale is looking very svelte.

  2. Yes, sitting next to Chesterton creates that illusion.


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