Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Nov/Dec Gilbert Magazine

I had a chance to peruse the latest Gilbert today, and I enjoyed so many of the great articles I found there.

First, I have to say the opening editorial was great. But then, I was consulted on it (as the author of a book on Harry Potter, which included plenty of Chestertonian references). I was immediately drawn to the Aidan Mackey defense of Harry Potter, which I was pleased to read. Every time I read of another Chestertonian who understands the Potter books, I feel more reassured about writing my book. Aidan's article, "Plain Without a Sledgehammer", was something I could have written. My sentiments exactly.

I then looked at The Wise Men, an illustrated work by Beatrice Wilczynski. I enjoyed this work. I also noticed that sprinkled throughout the magazine, there were many little "The Three Wise Men" trivia bits, which I enjoyed reading and finding.

Next, I read Nick Milne's Harry Potter article, as I enjoy his work on line and since he's a previous Gilbert and Frances Scholarship winner, I knew he'd have something fascinating to say. And again, I felt I could say, my sentiments exactly. Another great article.

Then, since I've enjoyed James G. ("Gerry") Bruen, Jr.'s stories in the past, I skipped over to his "Terrific Tots" and found, once again, a modern Chestertonian article with a great punch line. This story idea is one I've actually had myself but never wrote, so I was glad to see Gerry do a great job of it. He actually made me feel sorry for Saundra's kids. Can I adopt them?!

Then, just because I always forget what I wrote, I read my review of Regina Doman's book, Waking Rose. I don't remember writing it that well, so I think some editor really improved it. ;-)

After that, because I am really a fan of Edward Chesterton's (partly because he was an amateur photographer, and I happen to like photographers, and partly because he was the father of someone I love), I enjoyed reading Dale Ahlquist's short article on Mr. Chesterton. I also had the idea while reading it that those scrap books could probably be found in some landfill in England somewhere, and someone should be looking for them. Someone should have run after the trash man, too. Yes, it is frustrating that Gilbert threw all those things away.

I forgot to mention that somewhere in there I read News with Views, because I always enjoy that feature.

More tomorrow.


  1. "Then, just because I always forget what I wrote, I read my review of Regina Doman's book, Waking Rose. I don't remember writing it that well, so I think some editor really improved it."

    No, Nancy. That was you. ;-)

    I do enjoy Regina Doman's books. Have you considered writing fiction?

  2. Thanks, Therese. I have a work of fiction brewing right now, as a matter of fact. It is about a 4-5th grade chapter book. I work on it in my spare time (those 3 seconds a week!) so I expect to be done in about 5 years ;-)

    Actually, my daughter motivates me, as she loves the story and keeps wanting the next chapter. What would I do without my children?

  3. Writing for children anxious to hear what happens next puts you in good company, Nancy. It seems all my favorite childhood authors started out that way.

    At our house we're reading the complete canon of Pooh, and while I think our granddaughter may be a bit grown-up for such silly stories about a bear of little brain--she is a first grader this year--yet I wonder, can one ever be too old for Pooh?

  4. Hey Nancy, if you want zero controversy and want to sell very few books, make yours about a wizards' school for children. I don't think it's been done. ;-)


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