Friday, August 31, 2007

If you are on the Chesterton Society mail list...

you recently got a letter in the mail. As I'd previously mentioned, the letter informed us that quite soon (October) the membership fee will have to go up. You probably noticed that postage rates increased recently (we did) and that translates into $$ lost each issue of Gilbert magazine. In an effort to continue to gain readership (as we are celebrating 10--TEN!--years of publication) and to ensure that we continue to publish the magazine, the annual membership fee (which includes a subscription) will be increasing soon.

That means if you are thinking about joining, join now. If you are thinking about subscribing, subscribe now. If you are thinking about donating, donate now. If you are thinking about making a sandwich, go do it. Then come back and join.


  1. MMMMMmmmmmmmm........ sandwiches.

  2. Why should I worry because I do not know whether I am doing good or harm when I give a meal to a beggar? I do not know whether I am doing good or harm when I give a meal to myself Food such as we eat in civilised times and with civilised digestions, food, in this sense, contains the seeds of death almost as much as the seeds of life. Do not tell me that I do not know what happens to the half-crown that I give to that recognised tramp, Weary Willy. I do not know what happens to the ham-sandwich that I give to that hungry outcast, G. K. Chesterton. I do not want to know. I know that in one sense we are all pouring gifts into a bottomless universe, a universe that uses the gifts in its own way and in a complexity beyond our control or even our imagination.
    [GKC, ILN Dec 8 1906 CW27:342-3]


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