Saturday, May 12, 2007

Something New for the Chesterton Conference

I got a letter in the mail this week about the Chesterton Conference and I noticed something new: The Chesterton Society would like to remind you that tradition has dictated that the conference be free, but increasing financial demands beg that we consider making a small donation ($10 per day) for the Conference this year.

It seems to me that $30 is still pretty low to pay for the best Conference I've ever attended.

It isn't a "registration fee" this year, but I suspect it may be next year, unless tradition prevails, or unless the suggested donation works out.

It also says in the letter that the membership fee, which includes a subscription to Gilbert and 20% discount on all Chestertonian products and books, will be going up after the conference (June 14-16) so NOW would be a good time to join (still only $35) or renew.

The letter also suggests purchasing and reading The Man Who Was Thursday in preparation for the conference, hey, we're way ahead of that here, having already had an on-line book discussion over the past few months. We're good. ;-)

So, prepare your wallets. If you can give more, please do. If not, please plan to put at least $30 in the donation box. It will help defray the costs of the building rental, and keep Chesterton Conferences going for the great annual event they've come to be.

And if you can't come but can donate, naturally, that's always welcome. If you're in that position, we thank you.

Will you be generous when the donation basket is in front of you?

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