Thursday, May 10, 2007

Some have it

but not I.


  1. For some reason, Nancy, you always seem to be one of the last people to get your copy.

  2. I think Trubadour and Carol are THE last. One of us on the West Coast and the other on the East Coast. My last issue was so late, I was actually waiting for Dale to bring it to me, following the example of Belloc, by walking it from Minnesota. LOL.


  3. Dear Carol,
    They are actually printed & mailed from Kentucky. So the further you are from there, I guess, the longer. Or the smaller the town you live in, the less likely they are to deliver the mail. Our mailmen seem to believe they can personally decide what gets delivered when, depending on how they feel that day. The same goes with if they decide to send out letters, as well.

    And first class postage is going up to 41 cents on Monday! I guess I need to convert all my bills to e-pay because my credit rating is falling due to the mail system.

  4. I just came back from a 10-day vacation last night. I checked my stuffed mailbox... and what do I see at the bottom of the stack of bills and junk mail?.... MY NEW ISSUE OF GILBERT!

    (And I'm almost finished reading Dale's "Common Sense 101"... perfect!)


  5. Mine came last Thursday--it was well worth the wait!
    And like Trubador, I finished Dale's book while proctoring SOL tests.
    Perfect timing!



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