Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Secret Anonymous Sources Who Wish Their Identities to be Kept, well, ah....Secret

...inform me that the Oct/Nov issue of Gilbert is at the shop and should be in your mailbox in about a week (or so, as we know, some people tend to get them sooner than others).


  1. Will be watching for it, Mrs. B-

    Have been sharing past issues with friends, but am thinking of cutting them off so they get their own subscriptions:)

  2. Yes. I gave away my last issue, had to get another, and then gave that one away. Now I am without my favorite issue (with the picture of the play The Surprise on the cover--again! But I gave it away the second time in hopes of inticing my friend to get her own subscription. I hope it works! I want my issue back!

  3. Gilbert Magazine is a near occasion of sin for those with issues involving theft. Ive never gotten back a loaned issue.


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