Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Whoa! Attention!

While we were spending the weekend Gilbert-izing, someone has completely revised the Gilbert magazine web site! Check it out!


  1. Mr. Ted Schluenderfritz deserves all our thanks, gratitude, love, honor, support, prayers, and money for the great job he did on the website. A lot of work remains to be done -- the articles still need to be proofed, for instance -- but the website finally looks like a proper website for the World's Greatest Magazine ought to look.

  2. Ted has done an outstanding job. I send him my thanks, gratitude, love, honor, support and prayers, and I hope I send him money through my subscriptions to Gilbert (that's right, I have more than one. I send one to some nun friends who are cloistered, and they are turning into avid Chestertonians!)

    If you know any nuns or priests who would appreciate getting a subscription to the World's Greatest Magazine, you might consider such a gift, as well.

  3. I forgot.
    I also got my Library a subscription.

    Gee, three subscriptions. I must really like this magazine or something. ;-)

  4. Nancy, don't take this wrong, but if you were here, I'd kiss you. Thank you so much.

  5. Well! I....*blushes*....don't know what to say.
    You are welcome.
    Hey, didn't you know I was a fan of the magazine? Couldn't you tell?????!!!!!

  6. Hi Mrs. B,

    There is a library gift fund for Gilbert Magazine...

    Anyone can donate a subscription to a library(s) of their choice, with the added benefit that the gifted library will receive the 20% discount on the books sold through the American Chesterton Society...

    And for those that would like to, the same can be done with the wonderful Saint Austin Review (StAR) Magazine...


    although that does not include the discount on ACS books...

    at least not yet:)

  7. Excuse me, Mrs. B...

    I neglected to mention-

    To anyone who has already donated to their own bibliotheque, if they are able & willing, they can contribute whatever they like monthly to this fund- for the purpose of distributing Gilbert Magazine to libraries selected by the "Powers that Be" keeping track of which libraries have or have not yet received a subscription...

    Please pardon my omission!

  8. Nancy, no, um, I couldn't tell in the least. Nope, not at all. What? You? A fan? ;-)


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